“Identity Theft” occurs when I am pretending to be you. I use your name, date of birth, Social Security number, current and former addresses etc. I am having so much fun being you that I am making you broke. The Police Notebook blog says"Identity theft" occurs when someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data (i.e., name, date of birth, social security number, driver's license number, and your financial identity— credit card, bank account and phone-card numbers) in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain (to
obtain money or goods/services). Criminals also use identity theft to fraudulently obtain identification cards, driver licenses, birth certificates, social security numbers, travel visas and other official government papers.
Let’s pretend that I stole your identity, I would have fun doing this:
- Go on spending sprees using your credit and debit card account numbers to buy big screen TV, computer, and several Gucci bags (evening bag, classic bag, you name it)…and Manolo Blahnik fall collection boots. I’ll sell the TV and computers but keep the bags and boots.
- Open a new credit card account, using your name, date of birth and SSN. I am not going to pay the bill (of course, pfft…pfft). The account will become overdue and it is your name that will be reported to credit agency, not mine.
- Call your credit card issuer and, pretending to be you, ask to change the mailing address on your credit card account. Because your bills are being sent to the new address, it may take some time before you realize there’s a problem. I would go to Boston Newbury Street and buy more boots…. It gives me plenty of time to shops…and shops…
- Buy a car (or two) by taking out auto loans in your name…my plate number will be “My Free Car”. Then sell it.
- Connect phone or wireless service in your name with international connection of course. I will call all my high school friends in Indonesia, alphabetically. If I have more time I will also call all my exes to tell them how happy my life is (also alphabetically).
- Counterfeit checks or debit cards, and use up your bank account.
- Give your name to the police during an arrest. I am going to be released from custody but I am not going to show up at the court date. An arrest warrant will be issued in your name (while I was in a cruise somewhere…).
I can go on and on. I can add drug trafficking if I were an addict.